Events (Page 4)
Join us for our Plastic Free Harvest Festival Family Fun Day!
A Harvest Festival with a difference! This year parishioners at Clowne Parish Church are celebrating Harvest Festival in a new way – they are encouraging people to go plastic-free! Rector, Bryony Taylor said, “I’ve always struggled a bit with Harvest Festival having grown up in a town. It is a Victorian festival that we celebrate now with much nostalgia but it doesn’t always feel that relevant in these modern times when you can buy strawberries all year round! I realised…
The Vicar of Dibley comes to Barlborough’s famous flower festival – 27th-30th July 2019
The Vicar of Dibley comes to Barlborough’s famous flower festival Barlborough Church celebrates its Festival of St James every year with a flower festival – dates this year are Saturday 27th July – Tuesday 30th July. This year’s theme is TV we have known and loved. The church’s Rector, Rev’d Bryony Taylor is a self-confessed telly addict and wrote a book about Christians on the telly called ‘More TV Vicar?’ (DLT, 2016). She said, ‘we chose television as this year’s…

Clowne celebrates its rich mining heritage with a vibrant festival
Clowne Mining Festival will take place on Saturday 22nd June from 10am-3pm at St John the Baptist Parish Church. This will be an opportunity for people to celebrate the mining heritage of our district and share their family history with the next generation. Explore our exhibition of mining memorabilia created by Clowne History Society. Come and see our brand-new mining mosaic created with artist Coralie Turpin and Junction Arts for our newly restored Miners Chapel. Visit our traditional church fair stalls…

Help us to create Clowne Mining Mosaic – come to a workshop
As you know, we have been successful in our bid to Tesco Bags of Help to create our mosaic for the Miners Chapel at St John the Baptist, Clowne. We are working with artist Coralie Turpin and Junction Arts to create a mosaic to go on the front of the altar in our restored Miners Chapel for future generations to enjoy and celebrate our mining heritage. We are running a series of workshops at church to create the mosaic, all…
Barlborough’s first Grand Christmas Tree Festival – starts Sat 24 Nov 11am
St James Parish church in Barlborough is helping the community to get into the Christmas spirit with its very first Grand Christmas Tree Festival running over three weekends beginning on Saturday 24th November. The church will be open from 11am-5pm serving refreshments and you can browse all the Christmas Trees on display from local organisations and businesses. Some gifts and cards are available to purchase along with raffle tickets to win a luxury Christmas Hamper. Also during the festival we are…

Coming soon: Barlborough St James Christmas Tree Festival
A date for your diary. We are holding our very first Christmas Tree Festival over 3 weekends this year. We are inviting local businesses and organisations to provide a decorated Christmas Tree to put on display. Any interested parties should contact organiser Joyce Brown on 01246 477034.