'Barlborough' Tagged Posts

Barlborough Village Advent Calendar 2024 – join in!

Welcome to the 5th Barlborough Advent Calendar. Can you believe we have been doing this for 5 years! Thank you to all those who have taken part in previous years. There have been some fantastic sights and we hope you will join us again this year. Hopefully the village walking group will use the window trail for their weekly walks again. For those of you new to Barlborough or who have not heard of us; each day a new festive…

Comedy Night and Big Barlborough Festival 12th -14th July

Barlborough Parish Council, Heritage Centre, the National Garden Scheme and local churches have collaborated to create the first ever Big Barlborough Festival taking place from 12th to 14th July 2024. Our events at St James will be as follows: Friday 12th June 7.30pm Stand up Comedy Night with Andy Kind, tickets £10 – available for purchase from Rev Bryony or call 07960 735352 to reserve. Church will be open for a flower display and for people to see the Barlborough…

Vacancy at Barlborough Almshouses – 1 bed first floor flat

NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT ACCOMMODATION EXISTS FOR A BENEFICIARY OF THIS CHARITY. The accommodation is a self-contained, one-bedroom, first floor flat at Chandos Pole House in Barlborough. Persons experiencing hardship in finding or affording a home of their own are eligible to apply. Further qualifying criteria are to be found here: https://barlboroughhospital.wordpress.com/vacancy-appointment-term/ Applications in writing, using the application form provided, must be returned to the clerk. Appointments are governed by the terms of a charitable trust scheme administered by the…

Follow the Advent Windows trail around Barlborough village in 2023

We are running the 4th annual Advent Windows trail in Barlborough again this year. Each day in December a new window will be lit at someone’s house so that by Christmas Eve there is a trail you can follow all around Barlborough Village! Images of the windows will be shared on the Facebook Group Barlborough Community Information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1890213161309273. Thank you to Lisa Storer for organising this and for everyone taking part! Here is a link to a google map listing…

Join us for Advent and Christmas this year

There is something for everyone in our churches this Advent and Christmas. Here is a run down of our services: Sunday 3rd December – Advent 1 8.30am Morning Prayer, Barlborough 10.00am Benefice Eucharist, Clowne 5.00pm Light of Life Christmas Memorial Service, Barlborough Sunday 10th December – Advent 2 8.30am Morning Prayer, Clowne 10.00am Benefice Eucharist, Barlborough 6.00pm Dickensian Carol Concert, Barlborough Tuesday 12th December 7.00pm Light of Life Christmas Memorial Service, Clowne Sunday 17th December – Advent 3 8.30am Morning…

Try bell ringing in Barlborough!

Ever wanted to try Bell Ringing? Our team at Barlborough are always looking for new members. There is no age limit; 8-80yrs is common; still ringing at age 90 is not unusual.  It is not hard work nor does it require exceptional strength. All that is required is enthusiasm and commitment. Practice night at Barlborough is Monday at 7-8pm. Feel free to call our Tower Captain, Jenny Mosley on 01246 810066 for more information.

Discover hidden treasures and knowledge at St James Barlborough Heritage Open Day Sat 9th Sept 10am-2pm

Working with the experts at Barlborough Heritage Centre, St James church is opening up its doors for people to learn about the history of our church and its surrounding area on Saturday 9th September between 10am and 2pm. This free event will give you the opportunity to uncover the hidden secrets of our parish church, who knows, you may even learn a bit about your family history! Over 200 men from the parish fought in WW1 and 50 were killed. Mining…

Remembrance Services in Barlborough and Clowne 2021

Join us on Remembrance Sunday 14th November at 9.30am at Clowne and 10.15am at Barlborough. These services will be followed by the laying of wreaths at the respective war memorials and the 2 minutes silence at 11am. There will be a special musical tribute to the fallen in a service of Choral Evensong at 5pm at St James Barlborough. BECAUSE THE BUILDINGS WILL BE FULL WE ARE REQUESTING PEOPLE WEAR MASKS FOR THE DURATION OF THE SERVICE (UNLESS EXEMPT).

Barlborough Advent Windows 2021 – follow the map trail of 24 windows in Barlborough, a new one lit each day in December

For those of you who haven’t heard of us; each day in December a new window will be revealed around the village. The window will be posted on the St James’ page and on the Barlborough Community page, both on Facebook. Windows are lit from 4 to 9 pm each evening, and each window will be visible from its first designated date until the calendar finishes on Twelfth Night (6th January). Please be aware though that we can’t guarantee this…
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