Posts by Bryony Taylor (Page 57)

Barlborough’s first Grand Christmas Tree Festival – starts Sat 24 Nov 11am

St James Parish church in Barlborough is helping the community to get into the Christmas spirit with its very first Grand Christmas Tree Festival running over three weekends beginning on Saturday 24th November. The church will be open from 11am-5pm serving refreshments and you can browse all the Christmas Trees on display from local organisations and businesses. Some gifts and cards are available to purchase along with raffle tickets to win a luxury Christmas Hamper. Also during the festival we are…

Safe Space Clowne – a new mental health support group

We are delighted to announce that we are starting a weekly mental health support group at St John the Baptist Clowne. Safe Space Clowne will meet on Tuesdays – drop in any time after 2pm and stay for as long as you need. There will  be tea, coffee, cake and the chance to chat in a friendly, safe environment. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 20th November from 2pm. In the meantime, feel free to join our Facebook group:

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