Introducing Refresh: a new evening service at Clowne
Our Thursday morning Eucharist at Clowne at 9.15am has sadly declined in numbers over the last year or so (average attendance is 3). The PCC came to the reluctant decision to stop offering this service and encourage current attendees to go to the same service which is provided at St James Barlborough at 10.15am on a Thursday morning. As we are stopping this 9.15am service, we have made the decision to introduce a new monthly evening service for Clowne called…
Join us for Advent and Christmas this year
There is something for everyone in our churches this Advent and Christmas. Here is a run down of our services: Sunday 3rd December – Advent 1 8.30am Morning Prayer, Barlborough 10.00am Benefice Eucharist, Clowne 5.00pm Light of Life Christmas Memorial Service, Barlborough Sunday 10th December – Advent 2 8.30am Morning Prayer, Clowne 10.00am Benefice Eucharist, Barlborough 6.00pm Dickensian Carol Concert, Barlborough Tuesday 12th December 7.00pm Light of Life Christmas Memorial Service, Clowne Sunday 17th December – Advent 3 8.30am Morning…
Remembering our loved ones
Archbishop Rowan Williams once said that the church is the place where we can put emotions that won’t go anywhere else. You are warmly invited to some services that I hope will help you as you continue to mourn the loss of your loved ones. On All Souls’ Day Thursday 2nd November at 7pm there will be a simple memorial service at St John the Baptist, Clowne. Names of loved ones will be read and there will be an opportunity…

Celebrate Holy Week and Easter in Barlborough and Clowne
We look forward to seeing you for our Holy Week and Easter Services at St John the Baptist, Clowne and St James the Greater, Barlborough. Come with us on the most amazing journey: Palm Sunday 9.15am Barlborough, 11am Clowne A Eucharist at which the palm crosses are blessed and we hear the story of Jesus’ Passion (journey to the cross). Maundy Thursday 7pm Eucharist, Barlborough The Eucharist where we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples and he washed their…
Remembrance Services in Barlborough and Clowne 2021
Join us on Remembrance Sunday 14th November at 9.30am at Clowne and 10.15am at Barlborough. These services will be followed by the laying of wreaths at the respective war memorials and the 2 minutes silence at 11am. There will be a special musical tribute to the fallen in a service of Choral Evensong at 5pm at St James Barlborough. BECAUSE THE BUILDINGS WILL BE FULL WE ARE REQUESTING PEOPLE WEAR MASKS FOR THE DURATION OF THE SERVICE (UNLESS EXEMPT).
Watch our Christmas Services
Here is how to watch our services for Christmas this year. Watch our 15 minute Crib Service with Arry the Angel here anytime: or on youtube at 4.30pm today here: Our midnight mass service from Barlborough will be livestreamed on Facebook here at 11.15pm: Our Christmas Day service from Clowne will be livestreamed on Facebook here at 9.15am: Watch our 9 Lessons and Carols service here: Or Listen to the audio version of the carol service here (why not listen on…
Watch our online 9 Lessons and Carols service at 6pm Sunday 20th December
We have recorded a special traditional 9 Lessons and Carols Service featuring our Choir Director Gordon Stables conducting St James’ Choir, organist David Hopkinson, readers from both our parishes and illustrations from children at Barlborough Primary School. The service will go live on YouTube at 6pm on Sunday 20th December and will be available to watch whenever you like thereafter (maybe when you’re doing the washing up on Christmas Day!). Enjoy! If you would prefer to simply listen to the…
Watch our Light of Life Christmas Memorial Service – remembering loved ones at Christmas
Here is our service at which we dedicated lights to our loved ones no longer with us with music recorded by St James Choir, Barlborough:
Celebrating 75 years since VJ Day in Barlborough 2020
This Saturday 15th August we celebrate 75 years since the decisive end of the Second World War, Victory in Japan Day. Watch our short service here: Here is the order of service should you want to follow it at home: You’ll see the bunting has returned to Barlborough for this celebration and the Parish Council are encouraging people to have a socially distanced afternoon tea with neighbours from 2pm.
Clowne Parish Church reopens on Sunday 2nd August at 10am – here’s what to expect
We are delighted to report that our church at Clowne will be open again for a service of Holy Communion on Sunday 2nd August at 10.00am. All are welcome to attend if you feel safe to do so. We have conducted a full risk assessment and the church is laid out for appropriate social distancing. We have a one way system so you enter church by the vestry door and leave by the front door – the floor is marked…
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