Join us for Advent and Christmas Services to lift the spirit
There is lots happening this Advent and Christmas in our parishes! Here is a list of all our services at both our churches. There is a carol service every weekend in December and also services midweek for those who struggle to get to church on Sundays. Something for everyone! All welcome. Sunday 1st December – Advent 18.30am Morning Prayer, Barlborough10.00am Sung Eucharist, Clowne6.00pm Advent Carols, Barlborough Saturday 7th December – Clowne Christmas Fair 10am-1pm Sunday 8th December – Advent 28.30am Morning Prayer, Clowne10.00am Sung…
We will remember them: 9.30am Clowne, 10.15am Barlborough, Sunday 10th November
Join us for our Remembrance Sunday Services on 10th November 2024. 9.30am at St John the Baptist, Clowne and 10.15am at St James, Barlborough followed by the act of Remembrance at the War Memorial in each village.
Barlborough Village Advent Calendar 2024 – join in!
Welcome to the 5th Barlborough Advent Calendar. Can you believe we have been doing this for 5 years! Thank you to all those who have taken part in previous years. There have been some fantastic sights and we hope you will join us again this year. Hopefully the village walking group will use the window trail for their weekly walks again. For those of you new to Barlborough or who have not heard of us; each day a new festive…

Worship with us this Holy Week and Easter
This week we enter into the drama of Jesus’ final days. Do join us as we walk with him: Maundy Thursday 10.15am Eucharist, Barlborough 7.00pm Eucharist with hand washing followed by the Watch (silent prayer), Clowne 10.00pm Compline, Clowne Good Friday 10.45am gather at Clowne Salvation Army for a walk of witness to B & M and a service at 11am outside with the Salvation Army band 12.30pm Stations of the Cross, Clowne 2.30pm The Cross of Christ, readings and…

Join in creating a prayer labyrinth
We are creating a prayer labyrinth at Clowne church again this year and you can join in the fun of creating it. Last year we created this labyrinth in Clowne churchyard and, during Lent, many people came into the church grounds to walk the labyrinth. Our labyrinth had one path to the centre (unlike a maze you can’t get lost). People are invited to walk the path to the middle and use the experience as a chance to connect with…

Lent Course inspired by Call the Midwife
Join us this Lent for an inspiring discussion group using themes from the BBC TV programme Call the Midwife. Sessions will involve watching a clip from the programme, a bible study, discussion and prayer. You don’t need to have ever seen the show to do the course, although fans will particularly be interested! This will be using the book ‘All of Life – A course exploring real life and real faith inspired by Call the Midwife God on TV’ Edited…

Services up to Easter 2024
Easter falls early this year on 31st March. Here is a handy guide to all the services coming up:

Read our newsletter for Epiphany
Click here to read our recent newsletter.
Try bell ringing in Barlborough!
Ever wanted to try Bell Ringing? Our team at Barlborough are always looking for new members. There is no age limit; 8-80yrs is common; still ringing at age 90 is not unusual. It is not hard work nor does it require exceptional strength. All that is required is enthusiasm and commitment. Practice night at Barlborough is Monday at 7-8pm. Feel free to call our Tower Captain, Jenny Mosley on 01246 810066 for more information.

Barlborough Church Institute
The Parochial Church Council of St James Barlborough is currently considering the future of Barlborough Church Institute. Ten years ago, the PCC took the decision to take on a tenant in order to help with running costs of the building, but we have now reached the point where the cost of doing vital repairs and bringing it up to standard is considerably more than the income we receive. The PCC is also responsible for the fabric of the Grade II…
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