Posts by Bryony Taylor (Page 53)

The Vicar of Dibley comes to Barlborough’s famous flower festival – 27th-30th July 2019

The Vicar of Dibley comes to Barlborough’s famous flower festival Barlborough Church celebrates its Festival of St James every year with a flower festival – dates this year are Saturday 27th July – Tuesday 30th July. This year’s theme is TV we have known and loved. The church’s Rector, Rev’d Bryony Taylor is a self-confessed telly addict and wrote a book about Christians on the telly called ‘More TV Vicar?’ (DLT, 2016). She said, ‘we chose television as this year’s…

New Community Mining Mosaic now installed in our Miners Chapel

Last weekend we held a very successful Mining Festival – hopefully the first of many. The star of the show was our newly installed mosaic in our Miners Chapel. Watch a video with images of how the mosaic was made along with an interview Rev’d Bryony gave on BBC Radio Sheffield on Sunday 23rd June 2019: Interview by Sarah Major on BBC Radio Sheffield Photos by SophieMarplesPhotography & Bryony Taylor Project Managed by Junction Arts Mosaic Designed by Coralie Turpin Thomson Artist Project funded by…

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