News (Page 3)

Congratulations to our organist

Our organist at St John the Baptist, Clowne, Suzy Blagg has recently passed her exams with the Royal College of Organists. She is now an Associate of the Royal College of Organists and can put the letters ARCO after her name! Congratulations Suzy, we are really proud of you and lucky to have you as our organist!

Swift Project Update

A big thank you to everyone who donated to our Swift Appeal for us to install boxes for Swifts to nest in at the church tower at St James Barlborough. The boxes have been made and are ready to be installed in the tower! It will take some time before the swifts will begin nesting but we’ve started the ball rolling. Here are some pictures of the boxes you helped us to purchase:

Vacancy at Barlborough Almshouses – 1 bed first floor flat

NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT ACCOMMODATION EXISTS FOR A BENEFICIARY OF THIS CHARITY. The accommodation is a self-contained, one-bedroom, first floor flat at Chandos Pole House in Barlborough. Persons experiencing hardship in finding or affording a home of their own are eligible to apply. Further qualifying criteria are to be found here: Applications in writing, using the application form provided, must be returned to the clerk. Appointments are governed by the terms of a charitable trust scheme administered by the…

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