Services (Page 2)
Barlborough Church Reopens for worship Sunday 26th July 10.00am – here’s what to expect
We are delighted to report that our church at Barlborough will be open again for a service of Holy Communion on Sunday 26th July at 10.00am – the Patronal Festival of St James. All are welcome to attend if you feel safe to do so. We have conducted a full risk assessment and the church is laid out for appropriate social distancing. We are asking that everyone wears a face covering during the service (unless you have a medical exemption),…
Watch our Act of Remembrance and Thanksgiving for VE Day in Barlborough
Here is our Act of Remembrance held at Barlborough Memorial Garden on Friday 8th May 2020, the words of the service are provided below: SERVICE FOR VE DAY IN BARLBOROUGH Heaviness may endure for a night: But joy comes in the morning. God has been our refuge and our strength: A present help in time of trouble. Dear friends, on this day we commemorate the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe, when the sounds of war fell silent on this…
Sing Easter Hymns with us and people around the world on Easter Day at 10am from your garden or window!
Easter Sunday 2020 will be an Easter Sunday like no other before it. We cannot sing the great Easter hymns inside our churches, but we can sing them in this way… At 10am on Easter Sunday 12 April 2020 we call on all who want to celebrate the resurrection to go outside and sing Jesus Christ is Risen Today and Thine be the Glory at the top of their voices! You could sing them… in your garden in your street like an Italian from…
An act of Spiritual Communion – to say at home
The term ‘Spiritual Communion’ has been used historically to describe the means of grace by which a person, prevented for some serious reason from sharing in a celebration of the Eucharist, nonetheless shares in the communion of Jesus Christ. The form of prayer below offers Christians an opportunity to give thanks for their communion with him, particularly at times when they would ordinarily be present at the Eucharist. The Book of Common Prayer instructs us that if we offer ourselves…

Journey with us in Holy Week to the cross and beyond in Barlborough and Clowne
Easter and the week running up to it (Holy Week) is the most important date in the Christian calendar. In our parishes this year we are going to be going on a journey engaging all 5 of our senses, travelling through Holy Week with Jesus and his disciples to the bustle of Jerusalem, the noisy temple courtyard, the poignant Last Supper where Jesus washed his friends’ feet, through to the betrayal in the Garden of Gethsemane and on to the…
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