Posts by Bryony Taylor (Page 56)

Safe Space Clowne – a new mental health support group

We are delighted to announce that we are starting a weekly mental health support group at St John the Baptist Clowne. Safe Space Clowne will meet on Tuesdays – drop in any time after 2pm and stay for as long as you need. There will  be tea, coffee, cake and the chance to chat in a friendly, safe environment. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 20th November from 2pm. In the meantime, feel free to join our Facebook group:

Harvest Generosity in Barlborough and Clowne – thank you!

We had wonderful Harvest Celebrations at both our churches in the last month. The food collected at these and from Barlborough Primary School has been donated to the Freedom Project which has 11 centres in the local area and will go to supply their foodbank. We are now going to keep a box for collection for the foodbank at the back of church for regular donations. If we can all get into the habit of putting an extra tin into…

New Monthly Inclusive Services for All Ages in Barlborough and Clowne

It’s been a while since we’ve had a regular family service – we are reintroducing them! Both are a relaxed, enjoyable communion service genuinely for all ages (not just for the kids) with hymns you know and interactive elements to make you think. First Sunday Service at Barlborough on the first Sunday of the month at 11.00am: Recharge Eucharist at Clowne on the fourth Sunday of the month at 11.00am:

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