Posts by Bryony Taylor (Page 45)

Stations of the Spirit for #ThyKingdomCome – watch Station 1: The Holy Spirit at the dawn of creation

Here’s the first one of Stations of the Spirit, a series of video collaborations for #ThyKingdomCome with music, prayer, scripture and reflections from around the country. There’ll be a new one each day in the run up to Pentecost which I will post on our website here. I contributed to the one coming out on Tuesday. We are using these videos in the place of our prayer podcast this week. Station 1: the Holy Spirit at the dawn of creation

Live Eucharist for Ascension Day – watch here 7pm Thurs 21st May

Our Eucharist for Ascension Day will be broadcast live on Facebook at 7pm and will appear here below. The service will be available to view here after broadcast as well. If the video doesn’t seem to have appeared, please refresh the page at 7pm (press F5 or go to the bar at the top of your internet browser and press enter). You can follow the order of service by downloading it here (although the words of the service will appear…

Thy Kingdom Come – join us for the Stations of the Spirit each day from Ascension Day to Pentecost

We are joining in the Global Wave of prayer by taking part in the Stations of the Spirit. A new video will be published each day from Ascension Day (21st May) until Pentecost (31st May) as we pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit with millions of others around the world. There are a lot of resources for prayer on the Thy Kingdom Come website including a Prayer Booklet and a family Prayer Adventure (click the links to download).…

Introducing our new YouTube channel

Up until recently we have been using Rev Bryony’s YouTube account to upload our church services. Given that we are likely to be worshipping online for some time (and probably beyond the end of lockdown) we have created a dedicated YouTube channel for our parishes, please visit it here and click on ‘subscribe’ to get notified each time we upload a new video: This channel will be the one stop shop for all our church videos from now on.…

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