Posts by Bryony Taylor (Page 42)

Special Notice on the reopening of our church buildings

Dear friends, You’ll have seen that the announcement was made this week that we are permitted to return to worship in churches from 4th July. After some prayer and discussion we have decided that we will reopen our church buildings as follows: Barlborough – first Sunday back will be 26th July for St James’ Patronal Festival at 10.00am. This will be a United Benefice Service (ie. no service in Clowne on that day). Clowne – first Sunday back will be 2nd August at 10.00am. This…

Watch our live online service every Tuesday at 7pm

Now we have Phone Church on Thursday mornings we have moved our live online Said Eucharist to Tuesdays at 7pm. This can be watched live on our website (visit the home page of and look in ‘recent posts’) or in our Facebook Group at 7pm every Tuesday. You do not need to be a member of Facebook to watch the service. The service is also recorded and then put on YouTube so that you can watch it on ‘catch…

Safe Space Mental Health Support Group – meeting on the phone Tuesdays 2-3pm

SPECIAL NOTICE – SAFE SPACE MEETING ON THE PHONE TODAY Zoom only worked for a few people last week so this week we are going to use a telephone conferencing system instead. From 2pm today (Tuesday) dial the number below and when prompted enter the room number and guest pin and then we can all be on the same call together. We’ll be on the line until 3pm. Hope you can join us! Dial 0333 0164 757 When prompted enter:…

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