Posts by Bryony Taylor (Page 37)

Bolsover District to move to Covid Tier 2 Level High – this does not affect our worship

Bolsover District is to move to Covid Level High from this Saturday. This does not affect our Sunday worship which will continue in the usual manner (after we have conducted a full risk assessment) – both in church and livestreamed online. Please continue to follow the guidelines and do not attend church if you feel unwell. Please pray for all those who have Covid 19 in our area and their families.

Watch this week’s service celebrating Bible Sunday from Clowne 10am Sunday 25th October

“But why’s she got to go to the library?” “Because that’s what Hermione does,” said Ron, shrugging. “When in doubt, go to the library.” – HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS, JK ROWLING Join us for church this week to celebrate Bible Sunday as we go into the wondrous library of the Bible! I’ve got my bookshelf I made last year back out again especially! Clowne church at 10am & Facebook live. DON’T FORGET THE CLOCKS GO BACK THIS…

Services up to the end of January 2021 – dates for your diary

We have planned all of our services up to the end of January with a mixture of in-person, online and over the phone events to be as safe and inclusive as possible. Below are all the dates for your diary. All services available to view either live on Facebook or after broadcast on YouTube. Thursday morning Phone Church to continue as normal. In-person services are of course subject to change if coronavirus restrictions change. See the Church of England website…

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