News (Page 33)

New Monthly Inclusive Services for All Ages in Barlborough and Clowne

It’s been a while since we’ve had a regular family service – we are reintroducing them! Both are a relaxed, enjoyable communion service genuinely for all ages (not just for the kids) with hymns you know and interactive elements to make you think. First Sunday Service at Barlborough on the first Sunday of the month at 11.00am: Recharge Eucharist at Clowne on the fourth Sunday of the month at 11.00am:

Clowne Well Dressing 2018 – pictures

This year’s well dressing theme was Celebrations in Church and Home and depicted a series of greetings cards. Here are some images of the creation of the dressing and the final result along with those created by local children.

Barlborough Festival of Pilgrimage – Patronal Festival of St James the Greater

This year we had a wonderful celebration of Pilgrimage as part of our Patronal Festival of St James. We had a flower festival, a film night at the Methodist Church, a festival Eucharist and Festal Choral Evensong. Here is a video of our Rector Bryony being interviewed on BBC Sheffield about the festival: And if you missed the wonderful Flower Festival, here is a meditative film that takes you on a journey through the arrangements in our church:

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