Read this week’s newsletter

Read this week’s newsletter

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Hello from the Rector

Dear friends,

I hope those of you who watch our services online found it worked ok for you on Youtube last week. You can visit our channel here:

I am away for the next two Sundays so I’m afraid the next two Sundays’ services will not be livestreamed. I encourage you to watch the Church of England online services which can be found here:

There will also not be a newsletter for the next two Fridays so don’t panic when you don’t receive it, we’re still here!

Sunday 1st September
10am Sung Eucharist at Clowne with Rev Ben Griffiths
5pm Choral Evensong at Barlborough with Rev Adrian

Sunday 8th September
8.30am Morning Prayer, Clowne with Rev Adrian
10am Sung Eucharist, Barlborough with Rev Adrian

We still need some volunteers to help man the church and sell raffle tickets for our Heritage Open Day at Barlborough on 14th September, please sign up, we especially need someone to come from 12pm-1pm. Do also put that date in your diary to come and see the fascinating exhibition by Barlborough Heritage Centre.

You may be aware that Rev Mike is coming to the end of his curacy with us and is currently applying for jobs. While he is doing that he is going to be working with the parishes of Renishaw and Killamarsh during their vacancy to gain some experience of being ‘in charge’! This placement will start in September. This means Mike will not be working in our parishes for the next 3 months. Mike will have a special leaving service when his time with us comes to an end. Do be praying for him and us at this time of transition.

I am back from my holiday abroad on 14th September. While I’m away, if you have any pastoral concerns, please contact Rev Adrian Murray-Leslie on 07791 594660.

God Bless,

Rev Bryony

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