Our Thursday morning Eucharist at Clowne at 9.15am has sadly declined in numbers over the last year or so (average attendance is 3). The PCC came to the reluctant decision to stop offering this service and encourage current attendees to go to the same service which is provided at St James Barlborough at 10.15am on a Thursday morning.
As we are stopping this 9.15am service, we have made the decision to introduce a new monthly evening service for Clowne called Refresh. This will take place at 5pm on the Fourth Sunday of the month with the first one taking place on Sunday 26th May. The services will have a range of styles to incorporate contemporary worship music, Taize chants, video clips, prayer stations and contemplative prayer. A chance to be refreshed in God’s presence ready to face a new week!
We look forward to welcoming you.