Celebrate Gaudete Sunday 8.30am Morning Prayer, Barlborough, 10am Sung Eucharist, Clowne, 6pm Candlelit 9 Lessons and Carols, Barlborough

Celebrate Gaudete Sunday 8.30am Morning Prayer, Barlborough, 10am Sung Eucharist, Clowne, 6pm Candlelit 9 Lessons and Carols, Barlborough


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Hello from the Rector

Dear friends,

Thank you to all who supported our Christmas Fair at Clowne last week, we raised over £900 for church and £120 for Ashgate Hospice!

This Sunday is Gaudete Sunday (the one with the pink candle) and we have our Eucharist at Clowne and at 6pm we have our Candlelit 9 Lessons and Carols service with the children from Barlborough Primary School taking part. Arrive early for mulled wine and mince pies and to buy raffle tickets – our raffle will be drawn on the night.

See you soon,
Rev Bryony

These are our upcoming service and event times for your diary:
Sunday 15th December – Advent 3
8.30am Morning Prayer, Barlborough
10.00am Sung Eucharist, Clowne
3.00pm Carols at Cliff House Care Home
6.00pm Nine Lessons and Carols, Barlborough

Tuesday 17th December
11am Funeral of Fred Norman, Barlborough

Sunday 22nd December – Advent 4
8.30am Morning Prayer, Clowne
10.00am Sung Eucharist, Barlborough
6.00pm Dickensian Carol Concert, Barlborough
Monday 23rd December
7pm Nine Lessons and Carols, Clowne

Tuesday 24th December – Christmas Eve
4pm Crib Service, Clowne
6pm Christingle Crib Service, Barlborough
11.30pm Midnight Mass, Barlborough and Clowne
Christmas Day
9.15am Festival Eucharist, Clowne
10.15am Festival Eucharist, Barlborough

Sunday 29th  December – Christmas 1
10.00am Sung Eucharist, Clowne

Sunday 5th January – Epiphany  
8.30am Morning Prayer, Barlborough
10.00am Sung Eucharist, Clowne
5.00pm Choral Evensong, Barlborough

12th January – Baptism of Christ  
8.30am Morning Prayer, Clowne
10.00am Sung Eucharist, Barlborough

Contact the clergy:

Rev’d Bryony Taylor, Rector
01246 813569
Rev’d Mike Fitzsimmons, Assistant Curate
07385 292902

Please note that the clergy’s usual day off is a Friday. Find out other information about our churches on our website: http://bcjj.org.uk


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Rector: Rev’d Bryony Taylor 01246 813569 (please note that the Rector’s day off is Friday)

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