Clowne Eco Fair and Plastic Free Harvest Festival

Clowne Eco Fair and Plastic Free Harvest Festival

This year parishioners at Clowne Parish Church are celebrating Harvest Festival in a new way – they are encouraging people to go plastic-free! Harvest Festival always used to be plastic free in the past, we want to make it so again. St John the Baptist Church is now aiming for the Eco Church Award. As part of this we are holding an Eco-Fair on Saturday 5th October from 10am to 12noon inside church. There will be a preloved stall, free advice and information about home recycling (with a visitor from Bolsover District Council) and some craft activities for all ages to help us decorate the church for Harvest Festival.

Rector, Bryony Taylor said,

“I’ve always struggled a bit with Harvest Festival having grown up in a town. It is a Victorian festival that we celebrate now with much nostalgia but it doesn’t always feel that relevant in these modern times when you can buy strawberries all year round! I realised that a way in which we can update our Harvest Festival for the 21st Century is to consider our impact upon the environment.”

We are living at a time of climate emergency. Our behaviours are now directly affecting people all around the world and closer to home. So this year, at St John the Baptist Church Harvest Festival people are encouraged to think globally and act locally by:

Rev Bryony said, “on our own it’s hard for us to feel we can make a difference, but together we can encourage one another to consider the environment in all aspects of the decisions we make in our lives. Let’s do this!”

·       Donating to the local food bank

·       Sharing home grown produce (and tips on how to grow your own veg and plant flowers to attract bees)

·       Praying for local farmers & producers

·       Making a ‘plastic free pledge’


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