Dear friends,
Although in Tier 4 we are permitted to continue our worship in church the church wardens and I have made the difficult decision to close our buildings for public worship for January. Hopefully many of you will have been vaccinated by the end of the month and it feels wise to be cautious now especially with this new strain of the virus circulating. Services will be broadcast live in our Facebook group at 10am on Sunday mornings and then made available afterwards on YouTube.
Phone Church continues to meet every Thursday morning at 9.15am for Clowne and 10.15am for Barlborough. Dial a Sermon is still available on 01246 388487. So wherever you are, you can join us for worship.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need any support in buying groceries or other assistance.
I hope you understand our decision, it was not made lightly but my priority has to be the safety of all.
Every blessing,
Rev’d Bryony
Rector of Barlborough and Clowne